Why is Simon Sinek’s TED Talk So Important?
In Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “How great leaders inspire action” (TEDxPuget Sound 2010), he introduces his concept of the Golden Circle, which is composed of three elements: “why,” “what,” and “how.” Sinek argues that the most successful leaders and companies start with the “why.”
Speech outline
Theme: How leaders can inspire action and create a sense of purpose
Opening: Sinek describes real-life examples from Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Wright Brothers to ask the audience: What makes a leader inspirational?
Key Idea 1: In the Golden Circle, the “why” is more important than the “what” or “how” when it comes to driving human behavior and decision-making.
Key Idea 2: People do things to prove what they believe.
Key Idea 3: People are drawn to leaders who share their values and beliefs.
Closing: Sinek emphasizes that leaders resonate with what their followers believe about themselves. “Those who start with “why” have the ability to inspire others.”
Public speaking techniques
Repetition: Count how often Sinek says, “People don’t care what you do. They care why you do it.” If there’s one takeaway from his talk, this is it.
Storytelling: Sinek’s talk is rife with real-life stories that make abstract concepts more concrete and understandable.
Visual aid: Sinek uses an easel to draw out his key ideas. It’s simplicity make it a unique and memorable prop.
“People don’t care what you do. They care why you do it.”
Why is this TED Talk important and relevant?
Simon Sinek has made a global impact since he gave this unforgettable TED Talk. Sinek is known for being a visionary, a gifted author, an inspiring speaker, and a brilliant strategist who has changed the way we look at leadership today. His book Start With Why expands on the ideas in this TED Talk, delving into his insights on leadership and how great leaders inspire action.
Sinek’s TED Talk’s profound impact on our culture remains apparent over ten years later. With the popularity of Sinek’s talk, people have subscribed to the idea of shifting the focus from what a company does to why it does it. Starting with the “why” has become a common theme in business and leadership discussions. Organizations have discovered that a strong sense of purpose is crucial for employee engagement, customer loyalty, and overall success.
Clearly, his message of inspiring action through purpose—rather than profit—resonates deeply. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, whether it’s entertainment, marketing, or politics—you can find ways to model your work after Sinek’s ideas.
A new generation of leaders
Perhaps what sets Sinek’s TED Talk apart from other business lectures and presentations is the profound way it has inspired a whole new generation of entrepreneurs passionate about making a difference in the world. His TED Talk continues to be shared on social media because his message is just that powerful. The concept of the Golden Circle is helping to create inspiring leaders and also helping people in their daily lives.
Think about how Gen Z is passionately launching brands, Etsy shops, and small business endeavors. And these businesses spread like wildfire on Instagram and TikTok, building trust with their audiences through how they communicate and engage with them. Even during the difficult times of the pandemic, they’ve found success in ways that no generation before them has. They’re all digital natives, experts at leveraging the landscape of social media and e-commerce to their advantage.
But what else do the most successful entrepreneurs in this new generation of businesses have in common?
You guessed it: They start with the “why.”
👉 Check out the full list of the most popular TED Talks all time.
Bonus talk
Sinek and his signature easel return to the TED stage four years later.
Simon Sinek, “Why good leaders make you feel safe” (TEDVancouverBC 2014)
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Speeko for TED Talks
Tap into the power of A.I. coaching to unleash your full speaking potential. Use Speeko to prepare, write, and organize your TED Talk. From gathering your stories to using humor, you’ll strengthen your skills and receive invaluable feedback on key areas of your speaking style.