The Best TED Talks of All Time
What’s your favorite TED Talk? What makes it stand out in your mind? Did its message change how you approached a personal or professional decision? Did you watch it during a difficult time when you needed to hear its message the most?
According to TED, “close to 50,000 talks have been given at 10,000 events since the program launched in 2009.” Surely, there’s a TED Talk for everyone! But which ones are the best?
“Best” is subjective, of course, so we’ll use their online view counts as a proxy for audience engagement and cultural relevance.
Because of their popularity, people widely regard these ten presentations as the most iconic, must-see TED Talks. And after rewatching them recently myself, I agree—they’re each a masterclass in their own right! I recommend watching each of them for your own inspiration. You’ll find a summary of each of these TED talks below.
I’ve also included a bonus 11th TED Talk for you at the very end. It’s a personal favorite of mine that didn’t make the Top 10!
What are the most popular TED Talks?
Tom Thum, “The orchestra in my mouth” (148M views, TEDxSydney 2013)
Tim Urban, “Inside the mind of the master procrastinator” (117M views, TED 2016)
Sir Ken Robinson, “Do schools kill creativity?” (97M views, TED 2006)
Sam Berns, “My philosophy for a happy life” (96M views, TEDxMidAtlantic 2013)
Amy Cuddy, “Your body language may shape who you are” (90M views, TEDGlobal 2012)
Julian Treasure, “How to speak so that people want to listen” (90M views, TEDGlobal 2013)
Simon Sinek, “How great leaders inspire action” (88M views, TEDxPuget Sound 2010)
Bill Gates, “The next outbreak? We’re not ready” (82M views, TED 2015)
Brene Brown, “The power of vulnerability” (80M views, TEDxHouston 2011)
Cameron Russell, “Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.” (69M views, TEDxMidAtlantic 2013)
Based on combined YouTube and view counts as of March 2023.
You might have noticed that all these popular TED Talks were given in 2016 and earlier. Their continued popularity reflects how their messages have aged well and remain relevant to today’s audiences. These TED Talks are frequently shown in college courses, corporate seminars, and even elementary school classes.
Tim Urban, “Inside the mind of the master procrastinator”
What are the best TED Talks about?
There’s no single magic recipe to making a viral TED Talk, but each popular TED Talk centers around a relatable theme. I want you to watch these TED Talks and notice how they have common themes running through them—timeless and universal ideas that resonate with any audience.
Let’s go through the list, two-by-two, and see what common themes we can find.
First off, we have Tom Thum’s “The orchestra in my mouth,” where he shows how the human body can produce incredible sounds. Then there’s Tim Urban’s “Inside the mind of the master procrastinator,” where he dives into the causes and effects of procrastination on the human mind. These talks are about exploring the potential of the human body and mind.
Sir Ken Robinson’s “Do schools kill creativity?” is about how our educational system often fails to nurture creativity in students. Similarly, Sam Berns’ “My philosophy for a happy life” focuses on how to deal with obstacles and find happiness in life, despite the challenges we face. Both of these talks highlight the importance of overcoming adversity.
Moving on, we have Amy Cuddy’s “Your body language may shape who you are” and Julian Treasure’s “How to speak so that people want to listen.” These are both about how we communicate with others and how that affects our relationships and sense of self. Cuddy’s talk shows how our body language can shape our emotions and behavior, while Treasure’s talk offers tips on speaking effectively and persuasively.
Simon Sinek’s “How great leaders inspire action” and Bill Gates’ “The next outbreak? We’re not ready” are both about leadership. Sinek’s talk shows how great leaders inspire action by focusing on the “why” of their message, while Gates’ talk focuses on the potential dangers of a global outbreak and how we need to take action to be better prepared for the future.
Lastly, we have Brene Brown’s “The power of vulnerability” and Cameron Russell’s “Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.” Both of these talks touch on the importance of authenticity. Brown’s talk shows how vulnerability can lead to greater connections with others, while Russell’s talk highlights the superficiality of physical appearance.
Summaries of popular TED Talks
Summary of Tim Urban, “Inside the mind of the master procrastinator”
Summary of Amy Cuddy, “Your body language may shape who you are”
Summary of Julian Treasure, “How to speak so that people want to listen”
Summary of Cameron Russell, “Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.”
Bonus: Summary of Kelly McGonigal, “How to make stress your friend”
Summary of Tom Thum’s TED Talk “The orchestra in my mouth”
In Tom Thum’s TED Talk “The orchestra in my mouth” (TEDxSydney 2013), he shows the audience how he can create an entire orchestra of sounds using just his mouth and surprising beatboxing techniques.
👉 Read our full summary and analysis of Tom Thum’s TED Talk “The orchestra in my mouth”
Tom Thum’s TED Talk “The orchestra in my mouth”
Summary of Tim Urban’s TED Talk “Inside the mind of the master procrastinator”
Tim Urban’s TED Talk “Inside the mind of the master procrastinator” (TED 2016) is a fascinating exploration of a topic that all of us can relate to: procrastination. He explains that procrastination is not just about laziness or lack of willpower—it’s actually a complex issue rooted in our brain’s reward systems and fear of failure.
Summary of Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk “Do schools kill creativity?”
In Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk “Do schools kill creativity?” (TED 2006), he argues that schools often prioritize academic and intellectual achievement at the expense of other forms of intelligence, such as artistry or musicality. He also suggests that the rigid structure and standardization of education can discourage risk-taking and experimentation—essential components of creativity.
👉 Read our full summary and analysis of Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk “Do schools kill creativity?”
Summary of Sam Berns’ TED Talk “My philosophy for a happy life”
Sam Berns’ TED Talk “My philosophy for a happy life” (TEDxMidAtlantic 2013) explores the keys to a fulfilling and joyful life, especially in the face of great challenges. Berns, who was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called progeria, speaks with poise and humor as he shares his personal journey and the insights he has learned along the way. Berns’ story is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and a reminder of the importance of having a sense of purpose in our lives.
👉 Read our full summary and analysis of Sam Berns’ TED Talk “My philosophy for a happy life”
Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk “Your body language may shape who you are”
Summary of Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk “Your body language may shape who you are”
Famously known as the “power pose TED Talk,” Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk “Your body language may shape who you are” (TEDGlobal 2012) illustrates the power of body language. Through her research, Cuddy discovered that adopting high-power poses can change our hormone levels and make us feel more confident and less stressed, which in turn has a positive impact on our success and well-being.
Summary of Julian Treasure’s TED Talk “How to speak so that people want to listen”
In Julian Treasure’s TED Talk “How to speak so that people want to listen” (TEDGlobal 2013), he shares practical tips on communicating effectively and ensuring people listen. He emphasizes how our speaking styles impact our ability to connect. Treasure outlines several techniques to deliver motivational and memorable messages.
Summary of Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “How great leaders inspire action”
In Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “How great leaders inspire action” (TEDxPuget Sound 2010), he introduces his concept of the Golden Circle, which is composed of three elements: “why,” “what,” and “how.” Sinek argues that the most successful leaders and companies start with the “why.”
👉 Read our full summary and analysis of Simon Sinek’s TED Talk “How great leaders inspire action”
Bill Gates’ TED Talk “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”
Summary of Bill Gates’ TED Talk “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”
In Bill Gates’ TED Talk “The next outbreak? We’re not ready” (TED 2015), he delivers a sobering message about the lack of preparedness for a global health crisis. Through stats and real-life examples, he illustrates how inaction will be the driver of the next disaster.
👉 Read our full summary and analysis of Bill Gates’ TED Talk “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”
Summary of Brene Brown’s TED Talk “The power of vulnerability”
In Brene Brown’s TED Talk “The power of vulnerability” (TEDxHouston 2011), she shares her research findings on shame and vulnerability. She explains how shame and fear of vulnerability often hold us back from experiencing true connections with others.
👉 Read our full summary and analysis of Brené Brown’s TED Talk “The power of vulnerability”
Cameron Russell’s TED Talk “Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.”
Summary of Cameron Russell’s TED Talk “Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.”
In Cameron Russell’s TED Talk “Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model” (TEDxMidAtlantic 2013), she challenges the notion that beauty is everything and urges us to reexamine the power dynamics that come with it. Through her experiences in the fashion industry, she shares how the way we look is often just a result of our circumstances and not a reflection of who we truly are. Russell advocates for individuals to recognize their own privilege.
Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk “How to make stress your friend”
BONUS: Summary of Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk “How to make stress your friend”
In Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk “How to make stress your friend” (TEDGlobal 2013), she shares the science on how stress can actually help us perform better, strengthen our relationships, and even make us more resilient. Her talk serves as inspiration for embracing stress and reframing its role in our lives.
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